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Sunday, December 27, 2020

Etsy Finds #007


These Tarot cards are so sweet. These ones are a different take and a more simple design. It would be super cute for someone who could use a little pick me up or a reminder.

This mirror! It's not super functional as a mirror but it's so beautiful and would make an awesome decor piece. 

I am obsessed with these velvet shell pillows

These hand painted planters are too cute

This simple star necklace is beautiful

I need these moon and star hoop earrings, I got my second lobe piercing redone and am looking for more earrings!

I really love the design of this bag, the constellations along with the moon and stars along with the gold hardware are a really lovely touch. 

These are beautiful embroidered mules! Embroidery is something I truly enjoy and am trying to get back into so I have to admire how lovely these look. I'd love to own these but would definitely be careful where I where them so I wouldn't ruin them!

A cute waterproof sticker, perfect to put on your water bottle!

I'm a huge fan of coin necklaces and Zodiac signs are always a fun, this necklace would be a perfect personalized gift for you or yourself

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

8 Planners to Help You Organize for the New Year

We all know this past year has been a complete whirlwind and if you're anything like me, the idea of having a planner this year sort of seemed like a joke. I did have one at the beginning of the year and had planned to fill it up with all the things I would be busy with, yet it remained mostly empty from being stuck in the house. However, lets hope this next year is better for all of us, lets hope we are able to plan things again that don't include working from home.

I think this one might be my favorite, I love the color scheme and the simple yet adorable cover art. This is definitely the one I'm most likely going to purchase for myself. 

This one is a bit brighter than I would usually go for but I still think it's super cute!

To-Do Planner - $22.95

This one is beautiful, look at that green!

This one is fun and rather simple. I think if you want to add a pop of color to your workspace this would be a cool way to do so, if this isn't your cup of tea they have other colors as well!

Friday, October 2, 2020

It's Been Awhile.

Hello, hello! I am going to spare all of you from the long list of excuses I could rattle off about me not updating this page anymore, I think I've done enough of that. However, I will give you a small update about what's been happening and what's to come in the future. 

Back in March I was laid off from my job of over four years due to Covid. My job wasn't anything crazy, just a typical customer service job but it was very comfortable for me and the place I met most of my friends after moving across the country by myself almost 5 years ago. I had wanted to leave for awhile, mostly just wanted something that was more financially stable or just a change of scenery. The job was very monotonous and I had been pretty burned out for awhile before all of this happened. But with everything happening so fast it kind of knocked me off my feet. I've come to terms with most of it by now and am trying to see it all as a new chapter and a chance for new opportunities.  

I've thought a lot since then about starting to blog again and I really, really wanted to. It seemed like the perfect time to focus on something I used to enjoy so much to distract me from what was going on in the world. But things just seemed to start getting harder and harder and my motivation took a nosedive while my stress, on the other hand, was at an all time high. 

At this point in time, I'm still not completely sure what my next step is. I've been kind of taking everything one day at a time, which I know a lot of people are right now too. It's really all we can do sometimes. 

I've been taking a lot of this time to try to focus on things I want to change and improve but at the same time trying to be gentle with myself about how I'm feeling and how I want to move forward. This year hasn't been easy for anyone and who really knows if things will improve anytime soon, however I don't want to not pursue things I enjoy doing or things that distract me from the negatives that surround us all right now. 

With all of that being said, I've decided I am going to finally commit to some sort of a schedule so that I can start using this blog again like I've been wanting to for years. I really regret not keeping up with it once I moved, I always meant to but it kind of got pushed aside. 

Everything might be a bit rough for a bit, I'm not going to lie. A big part of why I haven't returned for so long is trying to figure out how to combine all of my interests onto this page. I have so many things I want to talk about and do and it's hard for me to stick to one theme. Somedays I want to talk about makeup and skincare, other days I want to talk about horror movies and video games, or crafts, traveling, mental health, cooking, etc. But I'm looking forward to trying my best to make things work while making it interesting and fun for you and me!

I don't want to outrightly promise any certain days posts will be up, but I will be posting once a week for now! I'm aiming for twice a week, maybe Tuesdays and Fridays? But I'm sure it'll take me a bit to get into a routine again after so long and I don't want to make any more empty promises, but I do promise I will be updating this blog more regularly from now on. Truly thank you to all of the people who have stuck around, it means a lot and I'm hoping I get to chat with all of you soon!

I hope all of you are staying safe and focusing on the positives in life right now. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, you'll hear from me soon! :) 

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

A Weekend in Disneyland

Time to theoretically dust off this blog and start writing again. I've thought a lot about starting to create content online again after basically disappearing for two years and I thought the easiest way to ease myself back into it would be to share a few photos of a trip I took a little over a month ago with two of my best friends. We had been planning a trip for awhile and finally made the decision to go to Disneyland! Our trip definitely could have used a little more planning and time management but we made it work and throughout the ups and downs we made the best of it and had a great time regardless.

We all live in Arizona and instead of flying we decided we wouldn't mind taking a little road trip and driving the 5 hour drive from Phoenix to Anaheim. We had rented out an Airbnb that was about 5 minutes away from Disney and were super excited to get there. The drive was pretty easy, I was exhausted because I hadn't slept the night before but I surprisingly didn't get super sleepy until we got to Cali.

When we arrived we had some time to kill before our Airbnb was available so we decided to drive down to Huntington Beach to see the ocean and explore. I unfortunately didn't take hardly any pictures there, I was exhausted and it was a super overcast day. I would have loved to wade in the water or lay on the beach but I had forgotten to bring towels or sandals so we just walked around for a bit and grabbed lunch at a local Mexican restaurant right by the ocean.

We were excited to get to our Airbnb after the long drive but once we arrived it was...not what we were expecting. We actually ended up leaving and getting a hotel room closer to Disney, we had some trouble because most of them were already booked but we finally found a place to stay and sleep for the night.

We decided that our first day was going to be spent in California Adventures! We didn't get the Park Hopper tickets so we just spent a whole day in each park. The last time had been was when it was Paradise Pier, so I was pretty excited to see how Pixar Pier had come along. I actually liked it a lot more than I was expecting to! 

My favorite ride is hands down, The Incredicoaster. It's exactly the same as it was when it was California Screamin', just with a touch of the Incredibles.  When I visited Disney the first time it took almost an hour of constant convincing for me to even get on that ride. But now I could have honestly rode it all day which is really saying something considering I usually get super nervous and hate roller coasters. (I usually refuse to ride any ride that goes upside down, roller coasters for me are usually a hard pass.) 

Of course we had to hit up Cars Land once the sun set, I just really love how it looks at night with all the neon lights. I have so many pictures that look nearly the same as the two above from the first time I went to Disney. But I can't walk through Cars Land without snapping a few new ones. 

Maybe this is an unpopular opinion but I think California Adventures looks the prettiest at night, even prettier than Disneyland. I just love all the lights and the iconic ferris wheel (which by the way I rode for the first time and it was the only ride in the whole park that made me feel nauseous).

Of course we had to make sure we rode Space Mountain as many times as we could! It was actually the very first ride we went on when we got into the park. When I went in 2015 it was Hyperspace Mountain, so it was cool to see how it is regularly. 

(Fun fact: I actually got stuck on this ride the very first time I rode it, now even though I love this ride, I get nervous every time I get on it that it's going to get stuck again.

We made reservations at Cafe New Orleans just so we could get the Monte Christo. It was good but soo filling we split it between two of use but could have easily split it between three. It's a ham and cheese sandwich that's deepfried and sprinkled with powdered sugar that you dip in jam. I'm not a huge sweets person and usually lean towards savory but it was still really good and a nice balance between the two.

This was the entrance to Club 33. It's an elite restaurant that you have to be a member of to even get into. I guess there's a huge waiting list and it's super expensive to get into, but hey a girl can dream, right? 

Our short trip to Disney was so much fun, even though we had some things go wrong, I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. I had so much fun with my friends and I'm so happy we planned this trip. Hopefully our next one will be less short notice (and a few more days long) but I think we made the best of it.

It feels so weird and exciting to be posting again? I really hope that I have gotten my motivation back and can start writing more and taking more photos. I hope to keep this blog more consistent and update it again soon.

Thursday, September 13, 2018


So many things have happened since I stopped updating this blog. I seriously wish I could catch you all up on everything but that would honestly take forever, I wouldn't even know where to start. So I guess I'll just give you a little rundown on some things that have happened in the past few months.

1. Summer has been rough. I seem to always forget how hot and miserable Arizona summers can be, I'm so happy that we are reaching the end and hopefully it'll start cooling down very soon!

2. I spent a weekend in Disneyland at the end of July and I'll be posting all about it in my next blog post. 

3. I broke my lease on the last apartment I was living in, so I've been paying that off for the past 6-7 months and now it's finally paid off! I can't even tell you the relief of having that debt off my shoulders. 

4. Ollie is still happy and healthy. She's a crazy little cat that definitely can have an attitude but she's the most important thing to me and I can't believe we've moved to so many different places and been through so much together. 

5. I've been trying to make more time for my friends, which sounds like an easy task but when you're as introverted as me it can definitely be difficult at times. 

6. I saw the movie Hereditary and I really loved it. It's one of those movies that is super eerie and you have to really pick up on all the hints in the dialogue and story to understand whats happening. If you like psychological horror, I would definitely recommend checking it out.

7. I started working 4 days a week instead of 5 at my job. At first I was a little hesitant because obviously the money is nice working a full 40 hours a week, but having 3 days off has been really nice and has given my time to relax a little more and focus on myself and things I want to do. This is the first time in 2 years that I've had the ability to be off for 3 days a week and not worry about money. 

8. I really want to make a point to start traveling more, whether it's out of state or in state. I've lived in Arizona for almost 3 years and there is still so much I haven't seen. I've never even been to the Grand Canyon!

9. I started occasionally streaming video games on Twitch. I mostly stream horror games so if that's something you're into you can check it out here.

10. I'm really going to make it a goal to post more on here, as well as Instagram. Social Media and content creation was something I used to enjoy so much and have a lot of fun with and then once I moved I completely abandoned it. I will *try* to post on here at least once a week to start out.

Thank you all for reading and continuing to follow this blog. I hope to talk to you all soon!

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